Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Domenico Chiarella,
Tor Oftedal Sømme,
Sten-Andreas Grundvåg,
Isak Emil Skadsem Eikelmann,
Stig Morten Knutsen
Impact of Paleocene–Eocene tectonic and climatic forcing on Arctic sediment transfer variability: SW Barents Sea, Norway
Amando Lasabuda,
Domenico Chiarella,
Tor Oftedal Sømme,
Sten-Andreas Grundvåg,
Anthony G. Dore,
Grandika Primadani
Unravelling controls on multi-source-to-sink systems: A stratigraphic forward model of the early–middle Cenozoic of the SW Barents Sea
Jan Inge Faleide,
Mohamed Mansour Abdelmalak,
Alexander Minakov,
Juan Camilo Meza Cala,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Carmen Gaina
Eurasia Basin Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element
Geological Society of London Memoirs 2024
Henry Jared Patton,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Karin Marie Andreassen,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow
Glacial erosion and Quaternary landscape development of the Eurasian Arctic
Jan Inge Faleide,
Mohamed Mansour Abdelmalak,
Dmitrii Zastrozhnov,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Berit Oline Blihovde Hjelstuen,
Jan Sverre Laberg
Norwegian Sea Oceanic Basin and Prograded Margins Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element
Geological Society of London Memoirs 2024
Stine Bjordal-Olsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Stig Morten Knutsen
Contrasting Neogene–Quaternary continental margin evolution offshore mid-north Norway: Implications for source-to-sink systems
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Alfred Hanssen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Henry Patton,
Mohamed Mansour Abdelmalak
Paleobathymetric reconstructions of the SW Barents Seaway and their implications for Atlantic–Arctic ocean circulation
Communications Earth & Environment 2023
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta,
Sunny Singhroha,
Wei-Li Hong,
Kate Alyse Waghorn,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda
Gas Hydrate Related Bottom-Simulating Reflections Along the West-Svalbard Margin, Fram Strait
Henry Patton,
Alun Hubbard,
J. Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
A.P. Stroeven
The extreme yet transient nature of glacial erosion
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Nora Johanne Synnestvedt Johansen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Kim Senger,
Tom Arne Rydningen
Cenozoic uplift and erosion of the Norwegian Barents Shelf – A review
Eko Awan Yudha Fitnawan,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda
Towards Achieving Indonesia’s Oil Production Target of 1 MMBOPD by 2030
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Gert V. Høgseth,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Polina Safronova,
Matthias Forwick
An Early Neogene—Early Quaternary Contourite Drift System on the SW Barents Sea Continental Margin, Norwegian Arctic
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 2020
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Polina Safronova
Cenozoic tectonostratigraphy and pre-glacial erosion: A mass-balance study of the northwestern Barents Sea margin, Norwegian Arctic
Henry Jared Patton,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Karin Marie Andreassen,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow
Quaternary landscape development of the Eurasian Arctic
Orlando Martinez Bautista,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow
Neogene - Quaternary evolution of the northeastern Fram gateway, European Arctic
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Grace Shephard,
Sabin Zahirovic,
Tristan Salles
Recent advances in stratigraphic forward modelling, scientific colour maps and diamond open-access journals
Amando P. E. Lasabuda
How do we reconstruct paleogeography of glaciated continental margins and their sediment source-to-sink systems? An example from the Barents Sea, Norwegian Arctic
Amando P. E. Lasabuda
The Cenozoic Era of the Barents Sea, Norwegian Arctic: A forward modelling of basin and landscape dynamics and implications for ocean circulation between the Atlantic and the Arctic
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Tristan Salles,
Grace Shephard,
Sabin Zahirovic,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Dietmar Muller
Impact of landscape evolution on the ocean circulation and glaciation: A forward modelling of basin and landscape dynamics, northern Barents Sea, Norwegian Arctic
Amando Lasabuda,
Salles Tristan,
Sabin Zahirovic,
Grace Shephard,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Dietmar Muller
Cenozoic Sediment Multi-source-to-sink in the Barents Sea: Insights from Stratigraphic Forwad Modelling
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Lasabuda,
Matthias Forwick
Reconstructing Paleoenvironment and Sedimentary Processes of the Northern Barents Sea Continental Slope
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Katrine Husum,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg
Glacial History of the Northern Barents Sea Reconstructed from Submarine Landforms – Nansen Legacy Results and Research Outlook
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Grace Shephard,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Tristan Salles,
Dietmar Muller
Henry Jared Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Jakob Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Arjen P Stroeven
A time-transgressive perspective of glacial erosion and meltwater beneath the Eurasian ice sheet
Stine Bjordal-Olsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Stig Morten Knutsen
Contourites and sediment progradation along the Norwegian continental margin during the Neogene–Quaternary
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Matthias Forwick,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Katrine Husum
Sedimentary processes and paleoenvironment of the northern Barents Sea continental slope. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Jakob Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Arjen Stroeven
A time-transgressive perspective of glacial erosion beneath the Eurasian ice sheet
Amando P. E. Lasabuda
Sediment source-to-sink analysis in the Norwegian Arctic
Amando P. E. Lasabuda
Tectonostratigraphy and source-to-sink analyses in the Barents Sea, Norway
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Matthias Forwick
Integrating XRF-ratios for Arctic paleoenvironmental reconstructions
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Domenico Chiarella,
Tor Oftedal Sømme,
Alfred Hanssen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen
A multi-source-to-sink system in a dynamic plate tectonic setting: the Cenozoic of the Barents Sea, Norwegian Arctic
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Alfred Hanssen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Henry Patton,
Jan Inge Faleide
Underexplored continental shelf gateways: timing, mechanisms and role of SW Barents Sea Gateway, Norwegian Arctic
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
J. Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
A.P. Stroeven
A time-transgressive perspective of glacial erosion beneath the Eurasian ice sheet
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Matthias Forwick
Sedimentary processes on the continental slope north of Kvitøya (northern Barents Sea) – preliminary results from regional bathymetry and sediment cores
Stine Bjordal Olsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Stig-Morten Knutsen
Miocene continental margin growth dominated by deposits from ocean currents – an example from offshore Norway
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Matthias Forwick
Sedimentary processes on the continental slope north of Kvitøya (northern Barents Sea) – preliminary results from regional bathymetry and sediment cores
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Sönke Szidat
Sedimentary processes and lithological records from the continental slope north of Kvitøya (northern Barents Sea)
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Matthias Forwick
Dynamics of the northern Barents Sea Ice Sheet during the last glacial – interglacial cycle: preliminary results
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Stine Bjordal Olsen,
Matthias Forwick
New results on the dynamics of the NW part of the Svalbard Ice Sheet during the deglaciation of the Woodfjorden Trough
Stine Bjordal Olsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Stig-Morten Knutsen
Cenozoic sedimentary environments of the Vesterålen continental margin
Stine Bjordal Olsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Stig-Morten Knutsen
Miocene sedimentary environments of the northern Mid-Norwegian continental margin
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Matthias Forwick
Depositional processes on the Kvitøya continental slope to reconstruct the dynamics of the northern Barents Sea Ice Sheet
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Matthias Forwick
Dynamics of the northern Barents Sea Ice Sheet during the last glacial – interglacial cycle
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda
Multi-source to sink and Eocene clinoform in the SW Barents Sea: a forward stratigraphic modelling
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Alfred Hanssen
Reviewing Cenozoic uplift and erosion of the Barents Sea: a new net erosion map from integration of various methods
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda
Late Cenozoic glaciations in the northern Barents Sea: insights from seismic geomorphology & source-to-sink study
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda
Combreros: Cenozoic Modelling of the Barents Sea Erosion
Stine Bjordal Olsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Jim S. Myrvang,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Stig-Morten Knutsen
Cenozoic sedimentary environments of the Vesterålen continental margin
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Stig-Morten Knutsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen
Reviewing the Cenozoic Net Erosion of the Barents Sea Shelf
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
J S Laberg
The deglaciation of the NW Barents Sea - new insights from swath-bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data from east of the Svalbard archipelago