Ngoc Nha Vi Tran

Førsteamanuensis i Informatikk

  • Solveig Flatebø, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Lars Ailo Aslaksen Bongo :
    Social robots in research on social and cognitive development in infants and toddlers: A scoping review
    PLOS ONE 15. mai 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jingyi Liang, Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Colin Hemez, Pia Abel zur Wiesch :
    Current Approaches of Building Mechanistic Pharmacodynamic Drug-Target Binding Models
    Springer 2022 DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Alireza Shams, Sinan Ascioglu, Antal Martinecz, Jingyi Liang, Fabrizio Clarelli m.fl.:
    vCOMBAT: a novel tool to create and visualize a computational model of bacterial antibiotic target-binding
    BMC Bioinformatics 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Tommy Skaue Øines, Alexander Horsch, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    REOH: Using Probabilistic Network for Runtime Energy Optimization of Heterogeneous Systems
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2018 DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    Power models supporting energy-efficient co-design on ultra-low power embedded systems
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2016 DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2016 DOI
  • Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    RTHpower: Accurate Fine-grained Power Models for Predicting Race-to-halt Effect on Ultra-low Power Embedded Systems
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2016 DOI
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Alireza Shams, Sinan Ascioglu, Antal Martinecz, Jingyi Liang, Fabrizio Clarelli m.fl.:
    vCOMBAT: a novel tool to create and visualize a computational model of bacterial antibiotic target-binding
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Tommy Oines, Alexander Horsch, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    REOH: Runtime Energy Optimization for Heterogeneous Systems
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Tommy Oines, Alexander Horsch, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    REOH: Using Probabilistic Network for Runtime Energy Optimization of Heterogeneous Systems
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
    2016 FULLTEKST
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Aras Atalar, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Power models, energy models and libraries for energy-efficient concurrent data structures and algorithms, EXCESS deliverable D2.3
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Aras Atalar, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Report on the final prototype of programming abstractions for energy-efficient inter-process communication, EXCESS deliverable D2.4
    2016 ARKIV
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
  • Vi Ngoc-Nha Tran, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    ICE: A General and Validated Energy Complexity Model for Multithreaded Algorithms
  • Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    RTHpower: Accurate Fine-grained Power Models for Predicting Race-to-halt Effect on Ultra-low Power Embedded Systems
  • Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Brendan Barry, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    Power Models Supporting Energy-efficient Co-design on Ultra-low Power Embedded Systems
  • Ibrahim Umar, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Saeed Shariati, Otto Anshus, Hoai Phuong Ha :
    The Arctic Green Computing Group
  • Dmitry Khabi, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Ivan Walulya :
    Report on the first evaluation results and discussion, EXCESS deliverable D5.4
  • Christoph Kessler, Lu Li, Usman Dastgeer, Rosandra Cuello, Oskar Sjöström, Hoai Phuong Ha m.fl.:
    Energy-Tuneable Domain-Specific Language/Library for Linear System Solving, EXCESS deliverable D1.3
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Aras Atalar, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    White-box methodologies, programming abstractions and libraries for energy-efficient computing, EXCESS deliverable D2.2
  • Yosandra Sandoval, Dennis Hoppe, Dmitry Khabi, Micheal Gienger, Christoph Kessler, Lu Li m.fl.:
    EXCESS: Execution Models for Energy-Efficient Computing Systems
  • Christoph Kessler, Lu Li, Usman Dastgeer, Philippas Tsigas, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Early validation of system-wide energy compositionality and affecting factors on the EXCESS platforms, EXCESS deliverable D1.1
  • Hoai Phuong Ha, Ngoc Nha Vi Tran, Ibrahim Umar, Philippas Tsigas, Anders Gidenstam, Paul Renaud-Goud m.fl.:
    Models for energy consumption of data structures and algorithms, EXCESS deliverable D2.1

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →

    Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

    Her publication can be found here:


    • INF-2200 Computer Architecture and Organization, 2022-present
    • INF-2900 Software Engineerng, 2022-present
    • INF-2202 Concurrent and Data-Intensive Programming, 2019


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