Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Rolf Wynn
Major depression mistaken as frontotemporal dementia due to PET scan
Safak Caglayan,
Anne Høye,
Ole A. Andreassen,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Association of Psychological Problems for Which Help Was Sought With Physical Illness
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2024
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Sabine Høier,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Per Matti Aslaksen
The cerebral and cognitive changes after intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) treatment for depression: study protocol for a randomized double-blind sham-controlled trial
Line Tegner Stelander,
Geir F Lorem,
Anne Høye,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Rolf Wynn,
Ole Kristian Grønli
The effects of exceeding low-risk drinking thresholds on self-rated health and all-cause mortality in older adults: the Tromsø study 1994–2020
Archives of Public Health 2023
Erlend Bugge,
Rolf Wynn,
Tom Eirik Mollnes,
Solveig Merete Klæbo Reitan,
Maria I. Lapid,
Ole Kristian Grønli
C-reactive protein levels and depression in older and younger adults - A study of 19,947 individuals. The Tromsø study
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health (BBI - Health) 2023
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Camilla Larsen,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Zsolt Turi
The antidepressant effect of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS): study protocol for a randomized double-blind sham-controlled trial
Line Tegner Stelander,
Anne Høye,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Rolf Wynn,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Sex differences in at-risk drinking and associated factors–a cross-sectional study of 8,616 community-dwelling adults 60 years and older: the Tromsø study, 2015-16
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Rolf Wynn,
Anne Høye
Depressive symptoms in the general population: The 7th Tromsø Study
Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 2022
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Ingrid Daae Rasmussen,
Per M Aslaksen,
Martin Kragnes Bystad
A four-month home-based tDCS study on patients with Alzheimer’s disease
Ingrid Daae Rasmussen,
Nya Mehnwolo Boayue,
Matthias Mittner,
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improves Delayed Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: A Pilot Study Using Computational Modeling to Optimize Electrode Position
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021
Line Tegner Stelander,
Anne Høye,
Jørgen Gustav Bramness,
Geir Selbæk,
Linn Heidi Lunde,
Rolf Wynn
The changing alcohol drinking patterns among older adults show that women are closing the gender gap in more frequent drinking: The Tromsø Study, 1994 – 2016
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 2021
Martin Bystad,
Benedicte Haug Storø,
Nina Gundersen,
Ida Karine Larsen Wiik,
Lene Nordvang,
Ole Grønli
Can accelerated transcranial direct current stimulation improve memory functions? An experimental, placebo-controlled study
Erlend Bugge,
Rolf Wynn,
Tom Eirik Mollnes,
Solveig Merete Klæbo Reitan,
Maria Lapid,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Changes in cytokines during treatment of elderly, hospitalized psychiatric patients - a naturalistic study
Psychoneuroendocrinology 2019
Erlend Bugge,
Rolf Wynn,
Tom Eirik Mollnes,
Solveig Merete Klæbo Reitan,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Cytokine profiles and diagnoses in elderly, hospitalised psychiatric patients
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Hilde Holme,
Ole Kristian Grønli
En kvinne i 60-årene med angst, nedsatt stemningsleie og endret atferd
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2018
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Ingrid Daae Rasmussen,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Per M Aslaksen
Can 8 months of daily tDCS application slow the cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease? A case study
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Camilla Lilleeggen,
Per M Aslaksen
Fear of diseases among people over 50 years of age : a survey
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Ingrid Daae Rasmussen,
Nina Gundersen,
Lene Nordvang,
Henrik A.S. Wang-Iversen
Transcranial direct current stimulation
as a memory enhancer in patients with
Alzheimer’s disease: a randomized,
placebo-controlled trial
Jan-Magnus Kvamme,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen,
Jon Florholmen
Risk of malnutrition and zinc deficiency in community-living elderly men and women: the Tromsø Study
Public Health Nutrition (PHN) 2014
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Karin Helen Pettersen,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Depresjon eller demens av Alzheimers type?
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2014
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Jan-Magnus Kvamme,
Rolf Jorde,
Rolf Wynn
Vitamin D deficiency is common in psychogeriatric patients, independent of diagnosis
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Rolf Wynn
Normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism and treatment resistant depression
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Jan-Magnus Kvamme,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Rolf Wynn
Zinc Deficiency Is Common in Several Psychiatric Disorders
Jan-Magnus Kvamme,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Jon Florholmen,
Bjarne K. Jacobsen
Risk of malnutrition is associated with mental health symptoms in community living elderly men and women: The Tromsø Study
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Geir Øyvind Stensland,
Rolf Wynn,
Reidun E. Olstad
Neurotrophic factors in serum following ECT: A pilot study
World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009
Erlend Bugge,
Rolf Wynn,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Some systemic markers of inflammation in older adults with psychiatric disorders
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Line Tegner Stelander,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Rolf Wynn,
Anne Høye
Alcohol and aging: A longitudinal study of alcohol habits and health effects due to alcohol consumption in old adulthood
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Oddny Johnsen,
Camilla Larsen,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Per Matti Aslaksen,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Marte Christine Ørbo
Forsker på behandling av depresjon
08. juni 2022
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Anne Høye
Gammel og deprimert
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2019
Erlend Bugge,
Rolf Wynn,
Tom Eirik Mollnes,
Solveig Merete Klæbo Reitan,
Maria I. Lapid,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Corrigendum to “Changes in cytokines during treatment of elderly, hospitalized psychiatric patients—A naturalistic study” (Psychoneuroendocrinology (2019) 108 (135–139), (S0306453019304019), (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.06.014))
Psychoneuroendocrinology 2019
Aud Johannessen,
Knut Engedal,
Marianne Larsen,
Elin Johnsen Lillehovde,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Anne-Sofie Helvik
Alkohol og psykofarmaka- er dette i fokus ved behandling og tilrettelegging av tjenester til alderspsykiatriske pasienter
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Rolf Wynn,
Jan-Magnus Kvamme,
Vidje Hansen
A study of some biological factors of importance to geriatric psychiatry
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Rolf Wynn
Vitamin D and depression in a psychogeriatric population
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Ole Kristian Grønli
Den som forventer noe godt, forventer ikke forgjeves!
Tidsskriftet aldring og helse 2012
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Rolf Wynn
Hyperparathyroidism and Treatment Resistant Depression
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry 2010
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Rolf Wynn
Hyperparathyreoidism and treatment resistent depression