Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal,
Anne Mary Gerard Clancy,
Monica Martinussen,
Hilde Laholt
How do public health nurses in Norwegian school health services support siblings of children with complex care needs?
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2023
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll
Tanker om trøst og urørlighetssonen ved spiralinnleggelse
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 2023
Hilde Laholt,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal,
Anne Clancy
An analysis of Norwegian public health nursing curricula: Where is the nursing literature?
Public Health Nursing 28. september 2021
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Asgjerd Litleré Moi,
Ragnhild Sollesnes
Helsesykepleieres erfaringer med forebygging av brannskader hos småbarn
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning 2021
Helen Mulcahy,
Patricia Leahy-Warren,
Hilde Laholt,
Lloyd Frank Philpott,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Anne Clancy
Public health nursing in Ireland and Norway: A comparative analysis
Public Health Nursing 06. desember 2021
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal
How do public health nurses in Norwegian school health services support siblings of children with complex care needs? - A national survey
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll
How do public health nurses in Norwegian school health services support siblings of children with complex care needs?
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll
Søsken som pårørende blir forsømt av kommunene
Dagsavisen 2023
Hilde Laholt,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal,
Anne Mary Gerard Clancy
Analyse av pensum i norske helsesykepleierutdanninger -
Hvor er sykepleielitteraturen?
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Anne Mary Gerard Clancy,
Monica Martinussen,
Hilde Laholt
Optimizing school health services to promote mental health and well-being for siblings in families who have children with complex care needs.
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Anne Mary Gerard Clancy,
Monica Martinussen,
Hilde Laholt
An action research approach to developing a conversational tool that will improve school nurses´ dialogues with siblings of children with CCNs.
Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal,
Astrid Midtsund,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Ingvild Hamnøy,
Ellen Solstad Olavesen,
Bente Kristin Høgmo
På tide å nyansere barselomsorgen?
Dagens medisin 2022
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Asgjerd Moi,
Ragnhild Sollesnes
Public health nurses´ experiences with prevention of burns in small children- a qualitative content analysis
Hilde Laholt,
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Anne Clancy
"Optimizing school health services to promote mental health and well-being for siblings in families who have children with complex care needs"
Lise-Marie Bergvoll,
Ragnhild Sollesnes,
Asgjerd Litleré Moi
Public health nurses´ experiences with prevention of burns in small children
Lise-Marie Bergvoll
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