9th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing

The annual Munin Conferences raise and debate questions within the theme of scholarly publishing. This year’s keynote speakers will talk about the following:

-          When decade-old functionality would be progress - the desolate state of our scholarly infrastructure.
Björn Brembs, professor of Neurogenetics at Institute of Zoology, Universität Regensburg

-          Managing the Transition to an Open Scholarly Literature
Cameron Neylon, Advocacy Director at PLOS (Public Library of Science)

-          Open Data and the Future of Science
Geoffrey Boulton, Regius Professor of Geology Emeritus of the University of Edinburgh

Call for papers is out. Submission deadline is August 1, 2014. Please see conference website for more info: http://site.uit.no/muninconf

Starter: 26.11.14 kl 10.00
Slutter: 27.11.14 kl 16.00
Hvor: Auditorium 2, Teorifagbygget, UiT
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Lenke: Klikk her
Ansvarlig: Leif Longva
Telefon: 7764 6255
E-post: leif.longva@uit.no
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