2018 Lean in Higher Education Conference

Everyday Lean—from your story to my story 

Learn from sector and world leaders in Lean thinking. Take away practical and theoretical approaches you can use from day one to improve your university. Join us in beautiful Tromsø.

What's on:

The detailed program is now released, in addition to the program-posters for our  keynotes and for the workshops, presentations and Pecha Kuchas. Minor changes can occur as we work together with the presenters to create a great experience for the delegates.

The deadline for registration has passed. If you have any queries on late registration, please contact us on e-mail: lean2018@uit.no We have delegates from all the regional divisions  and 15 different countries. We are indeed international.

How do we get to a place where we do lean every day? Where continuous improvement is a natural part of everyone’s jobs, not in addition or on top of it?

This year’s conference will focus on implementing continuous improvement work in our everyday life. About making sustainable changes, involving senior leaders and changing cultural habits.

For us at UiT our work is about people. Cultural changes. People’s genuine experience. In other words; deeply listening to peoples’ stories, to bring forth small or big changes every day.

Together our vision of the conference is to support us all in trusting the competence of all our people to be the driving force for change – to make improvements based on knowledge and engagement. To own our own stories together.

Starts: 31.10.18 at 12.00
Ends: 02.11.18 at 15.00
Where: Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: All
Responsible: Svein Are Tjeldnes
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Starts: 31.10.18 at 12.00
Ends: 02.11.18 at 15.00
Where: Tromsø
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: All
Responsible: Svein Are Tjeldnes
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