Take control of your PhD journey: From (p)reflection to publishing

Writing a thesis is a long and winding journey. It requires competencies beyond those of your chosen topic. You must be able to find the best literature for your project, review the existing literature, use this literature according to academic norms, and then publish your findings in the best possible channels.

The University Library has created a comprehensive course consisting of four independent modules, specifically targeted at PhD students. Each module lasts three hours. You can take all four modules, or pick just one or two if you’re too busy just now.

1. Think like an academic – write like an academic            

The first module is an introduction to the issue of academic integrity and plagiarism in academia. We expect students to partake in a discussion of selected cases of academic misconduct. We will look at what is considered unethical in each case, and on a more general level, why academia depends on being trusted by society.

Date: 27 April 12:15-15:00

Read more and sign up


2. Search like an expert

Have you ever had that nagging feeling that there might be some articles out there that you have missed in your literature searches? That there are databases out there that perhaps could help your literature review work – if you only knew how to use them?

This module focuses on doing systematic literature searches and how to use scientific databases. To make this module as tailor made for you as possible, we have created four different versions, all dependent on which discipline you are researching. (You are of course welcome to join any of these if the timing suits you better.)

Read more and sign up here for:

Technology and natural sciences (4 May 09:15-12:00)

Social sciences (4 May 12:15-15:00)

Humanities (5 May 12:15-15:00)

Medicine and health sciences (6 May 09:15-12:00)

(PhD students in law will have a separate course in the autumn.)


3. Manage your references with EndNote

When your references keep piling up, you need to work out a system that can handle large amounts of references and make it easy for you to retrieve them when necessary. EndNote is such a reference management tool, which makes this aspect of your writing process a piece of cake. We teach you how to make the most of EndNote in your PhD studies. To make sure that as many as possible will be able to take the course, it will be given twice. Choose the date that suits your schedule best:

Select a date and sign up here:

7 May 9:15-12:00

8 May 12:15-15:00


4. Publish your research

As a PhD student, you want your articles and research data to be disseminated and accessible to as many as possible. This module gives an introduction to open access publishing and explains its advantages, both for the researcher and for society. You will also receive information about the UiT Publication Fund and how to evaluate open access publication channels

Date: 12 May 09:15-12:00

Read more and sign up

Starter: 27.04.15 kl 00.00
Slutter: 12.05.15 kl 00.00
Hvor: UiT
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Helene N. Andreassen
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