ISI Web of Science and Scopus – learn how to search for literature in interdisciplinary databases!

This is an introductory course in databases with examples from the natural sciences.

Are you a science student and uncertain of how to make good literature searches? This course consists of practical demonstrations of the two best and mostly used databases in the natural sciences, ISI Web of Science and Scopus. There will also be discussions on problems that are relevant for students writing a thesis and PhD students at an early stage. The course lasts about 45 minutes.

The course is in English and open to anyone.

Når: 18.03.15 kl 10.15–11.00
Hvor: Science and Health Library, Meeting room floor 7
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Telefon: 776 45722

Frist: 17.03.2015
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