Safety in the laboratory and on sea and land expedition

The course will give insight in different aspects of risk, prevention and safety to make sure that laboratory work, field work and sea expeditions are completed in a secure way.

All employees working with chemicals, biological, ionizing, participates in on land or at sea expeditions should participate in relevant parts of the safety course.

The course will consist of one compulsory general module (part 1A, B and C, mandatory for all) and nine specialized modules (part 2-10).

The participants should choose relevant modules among parts 2-10. Part 1 is compulsory for all new employees, master degree students, PhD students and guest researchers.

Starter: 21.08.14 kl 09.00
Slutter: 08.09.14 kl 15.30
Hvor: NFH E-101
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Studenter, Ansatte

Frist: 01.09.2014
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