“Storytelling and story staging.  Co-creating value in tourism”" /> “Storytelling and story staging.  Co-creating value in tourism”" />

Storytelling and story staging: Co-creating value in tourism,

Storytelling is a dynamic and integrative operant resource for tourism firms seeking to co-create value with their guests.  

MA in economics and administration  Line Mathisen, School of Business and Economics, defended  April 1st publicly and for the PhD degree in Social sciences -  the thesis: 
“Storytelling and story staging.  Co-creating value in tourism”
Revold, Jens
Publisert: 03.04.14 00:00 Oppdatert: 04.04.14 10:27


Tourism firms storytelling based on destination content and taking place in staged destination contexts can be further developed in order to enable value co-creation in host-guest interactions. Stories told in various marketing communications are effective during the tourists

visit at a destination and tourism firms can use those stories to initiate interaction. By focusing on the moment of interaction to establish a connection, stories rooted in the destinations core values can serve as a catalyst for enhancing value co-creation. This emphasized the guides importance as a storyteller. The guide has understand the social and material complexity of a tourist experience in order to be able to tell stories that the tourists can compare to their own experiences, that match their values and that can be a piece of their own sense making. The guide can use and adapt these stories when interacting with the guests, increasing the potential for value co-creation to be realized. The stories tourists really remember and that touches them are the stories that resonates with them, especially on the emotional level. Stories with resonance are stories with messages tuned to the tourists needs, desires and life projects. 

The PhD commision: 

Foto: Tommy Hansen


  • Professor Nina Prebensen, HHT

Evaluation committee:

  • Professor Lena Mossberg, School of Business, Economics and Law, Universitet i Gøteborg, Sverige (1. opponent)
  • Professor Peter Bjørk, Hanken School of Economics, Vasa, Finland (2. opponent)
  • Førsteamanuensis Gro Alteren, Handelshøgskolen (internt medlem og leder av komiteen



Foto: Tommy Hansen



Revold, Jens
Publisert: 03.04.14 00:00 Oppdatert: 04.04.14 10:27
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