Liv Karen Johannessen - ph.d.

Har disputert med avhandlingen “Lightweight methods, heavyweight organisations. Transforming a small tailored product to a large integrated healthcare information system.”

Kristiansen, Eli
Publisert: 28.09.12 00:00 Oppdatert: 04.10.12 09:25

Tittel på prøveforelesning:
“On the relationship between Information Systems, Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Participatory Design in the study of healthcare informatics”

Tittel på avhandling:
“Lightweight methods, heavyweight organisations. Transforming a small tailored product to a large integrated healthcare information system.”

Bedømmelseskomiteen besto av:
University Lecturer in Information Systems Matthew Jones, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambidge, Trumpington Strees, UK – 1. opponent

Associate Professor Pernille Bjørn, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark– 2. opponent

Professor Alexander Horsch, Institutt for informatikk, Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi, Universitetet i Tromsø – leder av komité

Leder av disputas var:
Førsteamanuensis II Anders Vik, Institutt for klinisk medisin, Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Tromsø

Kristiansen, Eli
Publisert: 28.09.12 00:00 Oppdatert: 04.10.12 09:25
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